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Text File | 2007-09-08 | 50.2 KB | 1,161 lines |
- ; Include Version:1.78 (07.08.07)
- #include-once
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; AutoIt Version:
- ; Language: English
- ; Description: Functions that assist access to an SQLite database.
- ;
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
- ; implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
- ; damages arising from the use of this software.
- ; function list
- ;===============================================================================
- ; _SQLite_Startup
- ; _SQLite_Shutdown
- ; _SQLite_Open
- ; _SQLite_Close
- ; _SQLite_GetTable
- ; _SQLite_Exec
- ; _SQLite_LibVersion
- ; _SQLite_LastInsertRowID
- ; _SQLite_GetTable2d
- ; _SQLite_Changes
- ; _SQLite_TotalChanges
- ; _SQLite_ErrCode
- ; _SQLite_ErrMsg
- ; _SQLite_Display2DResult
- ; _SQLite_FetchData
- ; _SQLite_Query
- ; _SQLite_SetTimeout
- ; _SQLite_SaveMode
- ; _SQLite_QueryFinalize
- ; _SQLite_QueryReset
- ; _SQLite_FetchNames
- ; _SQLite_QuerySingleRow
- ; _SQLite_SQLiteExe
- ; _SQLite_Encode
- ; _SQLite_Escape
- #comments-start
- User Calltips:
- _SQLite_Startup([$sDll_Filename]) Loads SQLite3.dll
- _SQLite_Shutdown() Unloads SQLite3.dll
- _SQLite_Open([$sDatabase_Filename]) Opens Database, Sets Standard Handle, Returns Handle
- _SQLite_Close([$hDB]) Closes Database
- _SQLite_GetTable($hDB | -1 , $sSQL , ByRef $aResult , ByRef $iRows , ByRef $iColumns , [$iCharSize]) Executes $sSQL Query to $aResult, Returns Error Code
- _SQLite_Exec($hDB | -1 , $sSQL, [$sCallback = ""]) Executes $sSQL , Returns Error Code
- _SQLite_LibVersion() Returns Dll's Version No.
- _SQLite_LastInsertRowID($hDB) Returns Last INSERT ROWID
- _SQLite_GetTable2d($hDB | -1 , $sSQL , ByRef $aResult , ByRef $iRows , ByRef $iColumns , [$iCharSize], [$fSwichDimensions = False]) Executes $sSQL Query to $aResult, Returns Error Code
- _SQLite_Changes([$hDB]) Returns Number of Changes (Excluding Triggers) of The last Transaction
- _SQLite_TotalChanges([$hDB]) Returns Number of All Changes (Including Triggers) of all Transactions
- _SQLite_ErrCode([$hDB]) Returns Last Error Code (Numeric)
- _SQLite_ErrMsg([$hDB]) Returns Last Error Message
- _SQLite_Display2DResult($aResult , [$iCellWidth = 0], [$fReturn = False]) Returns or Prints a 2d Array to console
- _SQLite_FetchData($hQuery, ByRef $aRow, [$fBinary = False] ) Fetches Results From First/Next Row of $hQuery Query into $aRow, Returns Error Code
- _SQLite_Query($hDB | -1 , $sSQL , ByRef $hQuery) Prepares $sSql, Returns Error Code
- _SQLite_SetTimeout([$hDB = -1] , [$iTimeout = 1000]) Sets Timeout for busy handler
- _SQLite_SaveMode($fSaveModeState) Turn Savemode On or Off (boolean)
- _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery) Finalizes a Query
- _SQLite_QueryReset($hQuery) Resets a Query
- _SQLite_FetchNames($hQuery, ByRef $aNames) Read out the Tablenames of a _SQLite_Query() based query
- _SQLite_QuerySingleRow($hDB | -1 , $sSQL , ByRef $aRow) Read out the first Row of the Result from the Specified query
- _SQLite_SQLiteExe( $sDatabaseFile , $sInput , ByRef $sOutput , [$sSQLiteExeFilename = "SQLite3.exe"] ) Executes commands in SQLite.exe
- _SQLite_Encode($vData) Returns Encoded String
- _SQLite_Escape($sString,[$iBuffSize]) Retruns Escaped String
- Changelog:
- 26.11.05 Added _SQLite_QueryReset()
- 26.11.05 Added _SQLite_QueryFinalize()
- 26.11.05 Added _SQLite_SaveMode()
- 26.11.05 Implemented SaveMode
- 27.11.05 Renamed _SQLite_FetchArray() -> _SQLite_FetchData()
- 27.11.05 Added _SQLite_FetchNames(), Example
- 28.11.05 Removed _SQLite_Commit(), _SQLite_Close() handles $SQLITE_BUSY issues
- 28.11.05 Added Function Headers
- 28.11.05 Fixed Bug in _SQLite_Exec(), $sErrorMsg was set to 0 instead of 'Successful result'
- 29.11.05 Changed _SQLite_Display2DResult(), Better Fromating for Lager Tables & Ability to Return the Result
- 30.11.05 Changed _SQLite_GetTable2d(), Ability to Swich Dimensions
- 30.11.05 Fixed _SQLite_Display2DResult() $iCellWidth was ignored
- 03.12.05 Added _SQLite_QuerySingleRow()
- 04.12.05 Changed Standard $hDB Handling (Thank you JPM)
- 04.12.05 Fixed Return Values of _SQLite_LibVersion(),_SQLite_LastInsertRowID(),_SQLite_Changes(),_SQLite_TotalChanges()
- 04.12.05 Changed _SQLite_Open() now opens a ':memory:' database if no name specified
- 05.12.05 Changed _SQLite_FetchData() NULL Values will be Skipped
- 10.12.05 Changed _SQLite_QuerySingleResult() now uses 'sqlite3_get_table' API
- 13.12.05 Added _SQLite_SQLiteExe() Wrapper for SQLite3.exe
- 29.03.06 Removed _SQLite_SetGlobalTimeout()
- 29.03.06 Added _SQLite_SetTimeout()
- 17.05.06 :cdecl to support autoit debugging version
- 18.05.06 _SQLite_SQLiteExe() now Creates nonexistend Directory's
- 18.05.06 Fixed SyntaxCheck Warnings (_SQLite_GetTable2d())
- 21.05.06 Added support for Default Keyword for all Optional parameters
- 25.05.06 Added _SQLite_Encode()
- 25.05.06 Changed _SQLite_QueryNoResult() -> _SQLite_Execute()
- 25.05.06 Changed _SQLite_FetchData() Binary Mode
- 26.05.06 Removed _SQLite_GlobalRecover() out-of-memory recovery is automatic since SQLite 3.3.0
- 26.05.06 Changed @error Values & Improved error catching (see Function headers)
- 31.05.06 JPM's Nice @error values setting
- 04.06.06 Inline SQLite3.dll
- 08.06.06 Changed _SQLite_Exec(), _SQLite_GetTable2d(), _SQLite_GetTable() Removed '$sErrorMsg' parameter
- 08.06.06 Removed _SQLite_Execute() because _SQLite_Exec() was the same
- 08.06.06 Cleaning _SQlite_Startup(). (JPM)
- 23.09.06 Fixed _SQLite_Exec() Memory Leak on SQL error
- 23.09.06 Added SQL Error Reporting (only in interpreted mode)
- 23.09.06 Added _SQLite_Escape()
- 24.09.06 Changed _SQLite_Escape(), Changed _SQLite_GetTable*() New szString Reading method, Result will no longer be truncated
- 25.09.06 Fixed Bug in szSring read procedure (_SQLite_GetTable*, _SQLite_QuerySingleRow, _SQLite_Escape)
- 29.09.06 Faster szString Reading, Function Header corrections
- 29.09.06 Changed _SQLite_Exec() Callback
- 12.03.07 Changed _SQLite_Query() to use 'sqlite3_prepare_v2' API
- 16.03.07 Fixed _SQLite_Open() not setting @error, Missing DllClose() in _SQLite_Shutdown(), Stack corruption in szString reading procedure
- 17.03.07 Improved Error handling/Reporting
- 08.07.07 Fixed Bug in version comparison procedure
- #comments-end
- Global Const $SQLITE_OK = 0 ; /* Successful result */
- Global Const $SQLITE_ERROR = 1 ; /* SQL error or missing database */
- Global Const $SQLITE_INTERNAL = 2 ; /* An internal logic error in SQLite */
- Global Const $SQLITE_PERM = 3 ; /* Access permission denied */
- Global Const $SQLITE_ABORT = 4 ; /* Callback routine requested an abort */
- Global Const $SQLITE_BUSY = 5 ; /* The database file is locked */
- Global Const $SQLITE_LOCKED = 6 ; /* A table in the database is locked */
- Global Const $SQLITE_NOMEM = 7 ; /* A malloc() failed */
- Global Const $SQLITE_READONLY = 8 ; /* Attempt to write a readonly database */
- Global Const $SQLITE_INTERRUPT = 9 ; /* Operation terminated by sqlite_interrupt() */
- Global Const $SQLITE_IOERR = 10 ; /* Some kind of disk I/O error occurred */
- Global Const $SQLITE_CORRUPT = 11 ; /* The database disk image is malformed */
- Global Const $SQLITE_NOTFOUND = 12 ; /* (Internal Only) Table or record not found */
- Global Const $SQLITE_FULL = 13 ; /* Insertion failed because database is full */
- Global Const $SQLITE_CANTOPEN = 14 ; /* Unable to open the database file */
- Global Const $SQLITE_PROTOCOL = 15 ; /* Database lock protocol error */
- Global Const $SQLITE_EMPTY = 16 ; /* (Internal Only) Database table is empty */
- Global Const $SQLITE_SCHEMA = 17 ; /* The database schema changed */
- Global Const $SQLITE_TOOBIG = 18 ; /* Too much data for one row of a table */
- Global Const $SQLITE_CONSTRAINT = 19 ; /* Abort due to constraint violation */
- Global Const $SQLITE_MISMATCH = 20 ; /* Data type mismatch */
- Global Const $SQLITE_MISUSE = 21 ; /* Library used incorrectly */
- Global Const $SQLITE_NOLFS = 22 ; /* Uses OS features not supported on host */
- Global Const $SQLITE_AUTH = 23 ; /* Authorization denied */
- Global Const $SQLITE_ROW = 100 ; /* sqlite_step() has another row ready */
- Global Const $SQLITE_DONE = 101 ; /* sqlite_step() has finished executing */
- Global Const $SQLITE_DBHANDLE = 1 ; /* (Internal Only) Database Handle (sqlite3*) */
- Global Const $SQLITE_QUERYHANDLE = 2 ; /* (Internal Only) Query Handle (sqlite3_stmt*) */
- #include <Array.au3> ; Using: _ArrayCreate(),_ArrayAdd(),_ArrayDelete(),_ArraySearch()
- #include <File.au3> ; Using: _TempFile()
- Global $g_hDll_SQLite = 0
- Global $g_hDB_SQLite = 0
- Global $g_avSafeMode_SQLite = _ArrayCreate(1, _ArrayCreate(''), _ArrayCreate(''), 0, _ArrayCreate(''))
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Startup
- ;
- ; Parameter(s): $sDll_Filename - Optional, Dll Filename
- ; Description: Loads SQLite.dll
- ; Requirement: None
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns path to SQLite3.dll
- ; On Failure - Returns empty string
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Loading Dll
- ;
- ; User CallTip: _SQLite_Startup([$sDll_Filename]) Loads SQLite3.dll
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian), JPM
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- Func _SQLite_Startup($sDll_Filename = "") ; Loads SQLite Dll
- Local $hDll, $hFileDllOut = -1
- Local $fUseInline = True
- Local $vInlineVersion = Call('__' & 'SQLite_Inline_Version')
- If @error Then $fUseInline = False
- If IsKeyword($sDll_Filename) Or $sDll_Filename = "" Or $sDll_Filename = -1 Then
- $sDll_Filename = "sqlite3.dll"
- If __SQLite_VersCmp(@ScriptDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename, $vInlineVersion) = $SQLITE_OK Then
- $sDll_Filename = @ScriptDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename
- $fUseInline = False
- ElseIf __SQLite_VersCmp(@SystemDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename, $vInlineVersion) = $SQLITE_OK Then
- $sDll_Filename = @SystemDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename
- $fUseInline = False
- ElseIf __SQLite_VersCmp(@WindowsDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename, $vInlineVersion) = $SQLITE_OK Then
- $sDll_Filename = @WindowsDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename
- $fUseInline = False
- ElseIf __SQLite_VersCmp(@WorkingDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename, $vInlineVersion) = $SQLITE_OK Then
- $sDll_Filename = @WorkingDir & "\" & $sDll_Filename
- $fUseInline = False
- EndIf
- If $fUseInline Then
- $sDll_Filename = @SystemDir & "\SQLite3.dll"
- If Not FileExists($sDll_Filename) Then
- $hFileDllOut = FileOpen($sDll_Filename, 2)
- EndIf
- If $hFileDllOut = -1 Then
- $sDll_Filename = _TempFile(@TempDir, "~", ".dll")
- $hFileDllOut = FileOpen($sDll_Filename, 2)
- If $hFileDllOut = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
- _ArrayAdd($g_avSafeMode_SQLite[4], $sDll_Filename)
- EndIf
- FileWrite($hFileDllOut, Call('__' & 'SQLite_Inline_SQLite3Dll'))
- FileClose($hFileDllOut)
- FileSetTime($sDll_Filename, Call('__' & 'SQLite_Inline_Modified'), 0)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- $hDll = DllOpen($sDll_Filename)
- If $hDll = -1 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, "")
- Else
- $g_hDll_SQLite = $hDll
- Return $sDll_Filename
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Startup
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Shutdown()
- ; Description: Unloads SQLite Dll
- ; Return Value(s): None
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Shutdown() ; Unloads SQLite Dll
- If $g_hDll_SQLite > 0 Then DllClose($g_hDll_SQLite)
- $g_hDll_SQLite = 0
- If $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[3] > 0 Then DllClose($g_avSafeMode_SQLite[3])
- $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[3] = 0
- For $sTempFile In $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[4]
- If FileExists($sTempFile) Then FileDelete($sTempFile)
- Next
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Shutdown
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Open()
- ; Description: Opens a Database
- ; Parameter(s): $sDatabase_Filename - Optional, Database Filename (uses ':memory:' db by default)
- ; Return Value(s): Returns Database Handle
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_open'
- ; -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check @extended Value)
- ; @extended Value(s): Can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Open($sDatabase_Filename = ":memory:")
- Local $avRval
- If IsKeyword($sDatabase_Filename) Then $sDatabase_Filename = ":memory:"
- $avRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_open", "str", $sDatabase_Filename _ ; Database filename
- , "long_ptr", 0) ; OUT: SQLite db handle
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, $SQLITE_MISUSE, 0)
- ElseIf $avRval[0] = $SQLITE_OK Then
- $g_hDB_SQLite = $avRval[2]
- __SQLite_hAdd($avRval[2], $SQLITE_DBHANDLE)
- Return SetError(0, $avRval[0], $avRval[2])
- Else
- __SQLite_ReportError($avRval[2], "_SQLite_Open")
- _SQLite_Close($avRval[2])
- Return SetError(-1, $avRval[0], 0)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Open
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_GetTable()
- ; Description: Passes Out a 1Dimensional Array Containing Tablenames and Data of Executed Query
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
- ; $sSQL - SQL Statement to be executed
- ; ByRef $aResult - Passes out the Result
- ; ByRef $iRows - Passes out the amount of 'data' Rows
- ; ByRef $iColumns - Passes out the amount of Columns
- ; $iCharSize - Optional, Specifies the maximal size of a Data Field
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_get_table'
- ; 2 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_free_table'
- ; 3 - Call Prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_GetTable($hDB, $sSQL, ByRef $aResult, ByRef $iRows, ByRef $iColumns, $iCharSize = -1)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(3, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $r, $iResultSize, $i, $struct1, $struct2, $pResult
- If $iCharSize = 0 Or $iCharSize = "" Or $iCharSize < 1 Or IsKeyword($iCharSize) Then $iCharSize = -1
- $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_get_table", _
- "ptr", $hDB, _ ; An open database
- "str", $sSQL, _; SQL to be executed
- "long_ptr", 0, _ ; Result written to a char *[] that this points to
- "long_ptr", 0, _ ; Number of result rows written here
- "long_ptr", 0, _ ; Number of result columns written here
- "long_ptr", 0) ; Error msg written here
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE) ; Dll Calling Error
- EndIf
- $pResult = $r[3]
- $iRows = $r[4]
- $iColumns = $r[5]
- $iResultSize = (($iRows) + 1) * ($iColumns)
- For $i = 1 To $iResultSize - 1
- $struct1 &= "ptr;"
- Next
- $struct1 &= "ptr"
- $struct2 = DllStructCreate($struct1, $pResult)
- If Not IsArray($aResult) Then
- Dim $aResult[1]
- EndIf
- ReDim $aResult [$iResultSize + 1]
- $aResult[0] = $iResultSize
- For $i = 1 To $iResultSize
- ;$aResult[$i] = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("char[" & $iCharSize & "]", DllStructGetData($struct2, $i)), 1)
- $aResult[$i] = __SQLite_szStringRead(DllStructGetData($struct2, $i), $iCharSize)
- Next
- DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "none:cdecl", "sqlite3_free_table", "ptr", $pResult) ; pointer to 'resultp' from sqlite3_get_table
- If @error > 0 Then SetError(2)
- If $r[0] <> $SQLITE_OK Then
- __SQLite_ReportError($hDB, "_SQLite_GetTable", $sSQL)
- SetError(-1)
- EndIf
- Return $r[0]
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_GetTable
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Exec()
- ; Description: Executes a SQLite Query, Does not handle Results
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
- ; $sSQL - SQL Statement to be executed
- ; $sCallBack - Optional, Callback Function
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_exec'
- ; 2 - Call Prevented by SaveMode
- ; 3 - Error Processing Callback
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Exec($hDB, $sSQL, $sCallBack = "")
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $avRval, $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns, $iRval
- If $sCallBack <> "" Then
- $aResult = "SQLITE_CALLBACK:" & $sCallBack
- $iRval = _SQLite_GetTable2d($hDB, $sSQL, $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns)
- If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, $iRval)
- Return $iRval
- EndIf
- $avRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_exec", _
- "ptr", $hDB, _ ; An open database
- "str", $sSQL, _ ; SQL to be executed
- "ptr", 0, _ ; Callback function
- "ptr", 0, _ ; 1st argument to callback function
- "long_ptr", 0); Error msg written here
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE) ; DllCall Error
- EndIf
- If $avRval[0] <> $SQLITE_OK Then
- __SQLite_ReportError($hDB, "_SQLite_Exec", $sSQL)
- SetError(-1)
- EndIf
- If $avRval[5] <> 0 Then DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "none:cdecl", "sqlite3_free", "ptr", $avRval[5])
- Return $avRval[0]
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Exec
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_LibVersion()
- ; Description: Returns the version number of the library
- ; Return Value(s): Returns version number
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_libversion'
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_LibVersion()
- Local $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "str:cdecl", "sqlite3_libversion")
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0); DLLCall Error
- Else
- Return $r[0]
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_LibVersion
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_LastInsertRowID()
- ; Description: Returns the ROWID of the most recent insert in the database
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - Optional, An Open Database, Default is the Last Opened Database
- ; Return Value(s): Returns ROWID
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_last_insert_rowid'
- ; 2 - Call Prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_LastInsertRowID($hDB = -1)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- Local $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "long:cdecl", "sqlite3_last_insert_rowid", "ptr", $hDB)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;DllCall Error
- Else
- Return $r[0]
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_LastInsertRowID
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Changes()
- ; Description: Returns the number of database rows that were changed by the most recently completed query
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - Optional, An Open Database, Default is the Last Opened Database
- ; Return Value(s): Returns number of Changes
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_changes'
- ; 2 - Call Prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Changes($hDB = -1)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- Local $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "long:cdecl", "sqlite3_changes", "ptr", $hDB)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;DllCall Error
- Else
- Return $r[0]
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Changes
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_TotalChanges()
- ; Description: Returns the total number of database rows that have be modified, inserted, or deleted since the database connection was created
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - Optional, An Open Database, Default is the Last Opened Database
- ; Return Value(s): Returns number of Total Changes
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_total_changes'
- ; 2 - Call Prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_TotalChanges($hDB = -1)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
- Local $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "long:cdecl", "sqlite3_total_changes", "ptr", $hDB)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ;DllCall Error
- Else
- Return $r[0]
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_TotalChanges
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_ErrCode()
- ; Description: Returns the error code for the most recent failed sqlite3_* API call
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - Optional, An Open Database, Default is the Last Opened Database
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_errcode'
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_ErrCode($hDB = -1)
- Local $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "long:cdecl", "sqlite3_errcode", "ptr", $hDB)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE) ;DllCall Error
- Else
- Return $r[0]
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_ErrCode
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_ErrMsg()
- ; Description: Returns a String describing in English the error condition for the most recent sqlite3_* API call
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - Optional, An Open Database, Default is the Last Opened Database
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Error message
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_errmsg'
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_ErrMsg($hDB = -1)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return "Library used incorrectly"
- Local $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "str:cdecl", "sqlite3_errmsg", "ptr", $hDB)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, "Library used incorrectly") ;DllCall Error
- Else
- Return $r[0]
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_ErrMsg
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Display2DResult()
- ; Description: Prints a 2Dimensional Array formated to Console
- ; Parameter(s): $aResult - The Array to be displayed
- ; $iCellWidth - Optional, Specifies the size of a Data Field
- ; $fReturn - Optional, If true The Formated String is returned
- ; Return Value(s): none or Formated String
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - $aResult is no Array or has wrong Dimension
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Display2DResult($aResult, $iCellWidth = 0, $fReturn = False)
- Local $iCol, $iRow, $sOut, $aiCellWidth, $iCellWidthUsed
- If Not IsArray($aResult) Or UBound($aResult, 0) <> 2 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, "")
- EndIf
- If $iCellWidth = 0 Or IsKeyword($iCellWidth) Then
- Dim $aiCellWidth[UBound($aResult, 2) ]
- For $iCol = 0 To UBound($aResult, 1) - 1
- For $iRow = 0 To UBound($aResult, 2) - 1
- If StringLen($aResult[$iCol][$iRow]) > $aiCellWidth[$iRow] Then
- $aiCellWidth[$iRow] = StringLen($aResult[$iCol][$iRow])
- EndIf
- Next
- Next
- EndIf
- For $iCol = 0 To UBound($aResult, 1) - 1
- For $iRow = 0 To UBound($aResult, 2) - 1
- If $iCellWidth = 0 Then
- $iCellWidthUsed = $aiCellWidth[$iRow]
- Else
- $iCellWidthUsed = $iCellWidth
- EndIf
- If $fReturn Then
- $sOut &= StringFormat(" %-" & $iCellWidthUsed & "s ", $aResult[$iCol][$iRow])
- Else
- ConsoleWrite(StringFormat(" %-" & $iCellWidthUsed & "s ", $aResult[$iCol][$iRow]))
- EndIf
- Next
- If $fReturn Then
- $sOut &= @CRLF
- Else
- ConsoleWrite(@CR)
- EndIf
- Next
- If $fReturn Then Return $sOut
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Display2DResult
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_GetTable2d()
- ; Description: Passes Out a 2Dimensional Array Containing Tablenames and Data of Executed Query
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
- ; $sSQL - SQL Statement to be executed
- ; ByRef $aResult - Passes out the Result
- ; ByRef $iRows - Passes out the amount of 'data' Rows
- ; ByRef $iColumns - Passes out the amount of Columns
- ; $iCharSize - Optional, Specifies the maximal size of a Data Field
- ; $fSwichDimensions - Optional, Swiches Dimensions
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_get_table'
- ; 2 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_free_table'
- ; 3 - Call Prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian), blink314
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_GetTable2d($hDB, $sSQL, ByRef $aResult, ByRef $iRows, ByRef $iColumns, $iCharSize = -1, $fSwichDimensions = False)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(3, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $r, $iResultSize, $i, $struct1, $pResult, $struct2, $iColCnt, $iRowCnt, $sCallBack, $iCbRval
- If $iCharSize = 0 Or $iCharSize = "" Or $iCharSize < 1 Or IsKeyword($iCharSize) Then $iCharSize = -1
- If IsKeyword($fSwichDimensions) Then $fSwichDimensions = False
- $r = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_get_table", _
- "ptr", $hDB, _ ; An open database
- "str", $sSQL, _; SQL to be executed
- "long_ptr", 0, _ ; Result written to a char *[] that this points to
- "long_ptr", 0, _ ; Number of result rows written here
- "long_ptr", 0, _ ; Number of result columns written here
- "long_ptr", 0) ; Error msg written here
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE) ; Dll Calling Error
- EndIf
- $pResult = $r[3]
- $iRows = $r[4]
- $iColumns = $r[5]
- If $iColumns > 0 And $iRows > 0 Then
- $iResultSize = (($iRows) + 1) * ($iColumns)
- For $i = 1 To $iResultSize - 1
- $struct1 &= "ptr;"
- Next
- $struct1 &= "ptr"
- $struct2 = DllStructCreate($struct1, $pResult)
- If Not IsArray($aResult) Then
- If StringLeft($aResult, 16) = "SQLITE_CALLBACK:" Then $sCallBack = StringTrimLeft($aResult, 16)
- Dim $aResult[1][1]
- EndIf
- If $sCallBack <> "" Then
- ReDim $aResult [$iColumns]
- For $i = 1 To $iResultSize
- $aResult[$iColCnt] = __SQLite_szStringRead(DllStructGetData($struct2, $i), $iCharSize)
- $iColCnt += 1
- If ($i / $iColumns) = Round($i / $iColumns, 0) Then
- $iCbRval = Call($sCallBack, $aResult)
- If $iCbRval = $SQLITE_ABORT Or $iCbRval = $SQLITE_INTERRUPT Or @error Then
- DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "none:cdecl", "sqlite3_free_table", "ptr", $pResult) ; pointer to 'resultp' from sqlite3_get_table
- Return SetError(99, 0, $r[0]) ; Internal only
- EndIf
- $iColCnt = 0
- EndIf
- Next
- Else
- If Not $fSwichDimensions Then
- ReDim $aResult [$iRows + 1][$iColumns]
- For $i = 1 To $iResultSize
- $aResult[$iRowCnt][$iColCnt] = __SQLite_szStringRead(DllStructGetData($struct2, $i), $iCharSize)
- $iColCnt += 1
- If ($i / $iColumns) = Round($i / $iColumns, 0) Then
- $iRowCnt += 1
- $iColCnt = 0
- EndIf
- Next
- Else
- ReDim $aResult [$iColumns][$iRows + 1]
- For $i = 1 To $iResultSize
- $aResult[$iColCnt][$iRowCnt] = __SQLite_szStringRead(DllStructGetData($struct2, $i), $iCharSize)
- $iColCnt += 1
- If ($i / $iColumns) = Round($i / $iColumns, 0) Then
- $iRowCnt += 1
- $iColCnt = 0
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "none:cdecl", "sqlite3_free_table", "ptr", $pResult) ; pointer to 'resultp' from sqlite3_get_table
- If @error > 0 Then SetError(2)
- If $r[0] <> $SQLITE_OK Then
- __SQLite_ReportError($hDB, "_SQLite_GetTable2d or _SQLite_QuerySingleRow or _SQLite_Exec", $sSQL)
- SetError(-1)
- EndIf
- Return $r[0]
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_GetTable2d
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_SetTimeout()
- ; Description: Sets Timeout for busy handler
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
- ; $iTimeout - Timeout [msec]
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_busy_timeout'
- ; 2 - Call prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_SetTimeout($hDB = -1, $iTimeout = 1000)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $avRval
- If IsKeyword($iTimeout) Then $iTimeout = 1000
- $avRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_busy_timeout", "ptr", $hDB, "int", $iTimeout)
- If @error > 0 Then
- SetError(1); DLLCall Error
- ElseIf $avRval[0] <> $SQLITE_OK Then
- SetError(-1)
- EndIf
- Return $avRval[0]
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_SetTimeout
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQlite_Query()
- ; Description: Prepares a SQLite Query
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
- ; $sSQL - SQL Statement to be executed
- ; ByRef $hQuery - Passes out a Query Handle
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_prepare_v2'
- ; 2 - Call prevented by SafeMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQlite_Query($hDB, $sSQL, ByRef $hQuery)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $iRval
- $iRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_prepare_v2", _
- "ptr", $hDB, _
- "str", $sSQL, _
- "int", StringLen($sSQL), _
- "long_ptr", 0, _
- "long_ptr", 0)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- ElseIf $iRval[0] = $SQLITE_OK Then
- $hQuery = $iRval[4]
- __SQLite_hAdd($iRval[4], $SQLITE_QUERYHANDLE)
- Return $iRval[0]
- Else
- __SQLite_ReportError($hDB, "_SQLite_Query", $sSQL)
- Return SetError(-1, 0, $iRval[0])
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQlite_Query
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_FetchData()
- ; Description: Fetches 1 Row of Data from a _SQLite_Query() based query
- ; Parameter(s): $hQuery - Queryhandle passed out by _SQLite_Query()
- ; ByRef $aRow - A 1 dimensional Array containing a Row of Data
- ; $fBinary - Switch for Binary mode ($aRow will be a Array of Binary Strings)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_step'
- ; 2 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_data_count'
- ; 3 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_column_text'
- ; 4 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_column_type'
- ; 5 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_column_bytes'
- ; 6 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_column_blob'
- ; 7 - Call prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_FetchData($hQuery, ByRef $aRow, $fBinary = False)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hQuery, $SQLITE_QUERYHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(7, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- If Not IsArray($aRow) Then
- Dim $aRow[1]
- EndIf
- Local $iRval_Step, $iRval_ColCnt, $sRval, $i, $iRval_coltype
- Local $iColBytes, $vResult, $vResultStruct
- Local $SQLITE_NULL = 5
- If IsKeyword($fBinary) Then $fBinary = False
- $iRval_Step = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_step", "ptr", $hQuery)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- ElseIf $iRval_Step[0] = $SQLITE_ROW Then
- $iRval_ColCnt = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_data_count", "ptr", $hQuery)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- If $iRval_ColCnt[0] > 0 Then
- ReDim $aRow[$iRval_ColCnt[0]]
- For $i = 0 To $iRval_ColCnt[0] - 1
- If Not $fBinary Then
- $iRval_coltype = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_column_type", "ptr", $hQuery, "int", $i)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(4, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- If $iRval_coltype[0] = $SQLITE_NULL Then
- $aRow[$i] = ""
- ContinueLoop
- EndIf
- $sRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "str:cdecl", "sqlite3_column_text", "ptr", $hQuery, "int", $i)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(3, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- $aRow[$i] = $sRval[0]
- Else
- $iColBytes = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_column_bytes", "ptr", $hQuery, "int", $i)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(5, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- $vResult = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "ptr:cdecl", "sqlite3_column_blob", "ptr", $hQuery, "int", $i)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(6, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- $vResultStruct = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iColBytes[0] & "]", $vResult[0])
- $aRow[$i] = Binary(DllStructGetData($vResultStruct, 1))
- EndIf
- Next
- Return $SQLITE_OK
- Else
- Return SetError(-1, 0, $SQLITE_EMPTY)
- EndIf
- Else ; incl. $SQLITE_DONE
- _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery)
- If $iRval_Step[0] <> $SQLITE_OK Then SetError(-1)
- Return $iRval_Step[0]
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_FetchData
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Close()
- ; Description: Closes a open Database, Waits until SQLite <> $SQLITE_BUSY until 'global Timeout' has elapsed
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - Optional Database Handle
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_close'
- ; 2 - Call prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Close($hDB = -1) ; Closes Database
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hDB, $SQLITE_DBHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $iRval
- $iRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_close", "ptr", $hDB) ; An open database
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE) ; Dll Calling Error
- ElseIf $iRval[0] = $SQLITE_OK Then
- $g_hDB_SQLite = 0
- Return $iRval[0]
- EndIf
- __SQLite_ReportError($hDB, "_SQLite_Close")
- Return SetError(-1, 0, $iRval[0])
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Close
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_SaveMode()
- ; Description: Disable or Enable Save Mode
- ; Parameter(s): $fSaveModeState - True or False to enable or disable SafeMode
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Returns $SQLITE_MISUSE
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Interpreting $fSaveModeState Parameter
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_SaveMode($fSaveModeState) ; Turn Savemode On or Off (boolean)
- If $fSaveModeState = False Then
- $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[0] = False
- ElseIf $fSaveModeState = True Then
- $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[0] = True
- Else
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- Return $SQLITE_OK
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_SaveMode
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_QueryFinalize()
- ; Description: Finalize _SQLite_Query() based query
- ; Parameter(s): $hQuery - Query Handle Generated by SQLite_Query()
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_finalize'
- ; 2 - Call prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hQuery, $SQLITE_QUERYHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $avRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_finalize", "ptr", $hQuery)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- __SQLite_hDel($hQuery, $SQLITE_QUERYHANDLE)
- If $avRval[0] <> $SQLITE_OK Then SetError(-1)
- Return $avRval[0]
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_QueryFinalize
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQlite_QueryReset()
- ; Description: Reset a _SQLite_Query() based query
- ; Parameter(s): $hQuery - Query Handle Generated by SQLite_Query()
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_reset'
- ; 2 - Call prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQlite_QueryReset($hQuery)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hQuery, $SQLITE_QUERYHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $avRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_reset", "ptr", $hQuery)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- EndIf
- If $avRval[0] <> $SQLITE_OK Then SetError(-1)
- Return $avRval[0]
- EndFunc ;==>_SQlite_QueryReset
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_FetchNames()
- ; Description: Read out the Tablenames of a _SQLite_Query() based query
- ; Parameter(s): $hQuery - Query Handle Generated by SQLite_Query()
- ; ByRef $aNames - 1 Dimensional Array Containign the Table Names
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_data_count'
- ; 2 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_column_name'
- ; 3 - Call prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_FetchNames($hQuery, ByRef $aNames)
- If Not __SQLite_hChk($hQuery, $SQLITE_QUERYHANDLE) = $SQLITE_OK Then Return SetError(3, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE)
- Local $avDataCnt, $avColName, $iCnt
- If Not IsArray($aNames) Then Dim $aNames[1]
- $avDataCnt = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_column_count", "ptr", $hQuery)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE) ; DllCall Error (sqlite3_data_count)
- ElseIf $avDataCnt[0] > 0 Then
- ReDim $aNames[$avDataCnt[0]]
- For $iCnt = 0 To $avDataCnt[0] - 1
- $avColName = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "str:cdecl", "sqlite3_column_name", "ptr", $hQuery, "int", $iCnt)
- If @error > 0 Then
- Return SetError(2, 0, $SQLITE_MISUSE); DllCall Error (sqlite3_column_name)
- EndIf
- $aNames[$iCnt] = $avColName[0]
- Next
- Return $SQLITE_OK
- Else
- Return SetError(-1, 0, $SQLITE_EMPTY)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_FetchNames
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_QuerySingleRow()
- ; Description: Read out the first Row of the Result from the Specified query
- ; Parameter(s): $hDB - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
- ; $sSQL - SQL Statement to be executed
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): -1 - SQLite Reported an Error (Check Return value)
- ; 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_get_table'
- ; 2 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_free_table'
- ; 3 - Call Prevented by SaveMode
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_QuerySingleRow($hDB, $sSQL, ByRef $aRow)
- Local $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns, $iRval, $i, $iAu3Error
- $aRow = ""
- Dim $aRow[1]
- $iRval = _SQLite_GetTable2d($hDB, $sSQL, $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns)
- $iAu3Error = @error
- If $iRval = $SQLITE_OK And UBound($aResult, 0) > 0 Then
- ReDim $aRow[UBound($aResult, 2) ]
- For $i = 0 To UBound($aResult, 2) - 1
- $aRow[$i] = $aResult[1][$i]
- Next
- EndIf
- If $iAu3Error Then SetError($iAu3Error)
- Return $iRval
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_QuerySingleRow
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_SQLiteExe()
- ; Description: Executes commands in SQLite.exe
- ; Parameter(s): $sDatabaseFile - Database Filename
- ; $sInput - Commands for SQLite.exe
- ; $sOutput - Raw Output from SQLite.exe
- ; $sSQLiteExeFilename - optional, Path to SQlite3.exe (-1 is default)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns $SQLITE_OK
- ; On Failure - Return Value can be compared against $SQLITE_* Constants
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Cant create new Database
- ; 2 - SQLite3.exe not Found
- ; 3 - SQL error / Incomplete SQL
- ; 4 - Cant open input file
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_SQLiteExe($sDatabaseFile, $sInput, ByRef $sOutput, $sSQLiteExeFilename = -1, $fDebug = False)
- Local $sInputFile = _TempFile(), $sOutputFile = _TempFile(), $iRval = $SQLITE_OK, $nErrorLevel
- Local $nRunErrorsFatalOld = Opt("RunErrorsFatal", 0), $hInputFile, $sCmd, $hNewFile
- If $sSQLiteExeFilename = -1 Or IsKeyword($sSQLiteExeFilename) Then $sSQLiteExeFilename = "SQLite3.exe"
- If Not FileExists($sDatabaseFile) Then
- $hNewFile = FileOpen($sDatabaseFile, 2 + 8)
- If $hNewFile = -1 Then
- Return SetError(1, 0, $SQLITE_CANTOPEN) ; Cant Create new Database
- EndIf
- FileClose($hNewFile)
- EndIf
- $hInputFile = FileOpen($sInputFile, 2)
- If $hInputFile > -1 Then
- $sInput = ".output stdout" & @CRLF & $sInput
- FileWrite($hInputFile, $sInput)
- FileClose($hInputFile)
- $sCmd = @ComSpec & " /c " & FileGetShortName($sSQLiteExeFilename) & ' "' _
- & FileGetShortName($sDatabaseFile) _
- & '" > "' & FileGetShortName($sOutputFile) _
- & '" < "' & FileGetShortName($sInputFile) & '"'
- $nErrorLevel = RunWait($sCmd, @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE)
- If $fDebug = True Then
- ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(_SQLite_SQLiteExe) : $sCmd = ' & $sCmd & @LF & '>ErrorLevel: ' & $nErrorLevel & @LF)
- EndIf
- If @error = 1 Or $nErrorLevel = 1 Then
- $iRval = $SQLITE_MISUSE ; SQLite.exe not found
- Else
- $sOutput = FileRead($sOutputFile, FileGetSize($sOutputFile))
- If StringInStr($sOutput, "SQL error:", 1) > 0 Or StringInStr($sOutput, "Incomplete SQL:", 1) > 0 Then $iRval = $SQLITE_ERROR ; SQL error / Incomplete SQL
- EndIf
- Else
- $iRval = $SQLITE_CANTOPEN ; Cant open Input File
- EndIf
- Opt("RunErrorsFatal", $nRunErrorsFatalOld)
- If FileExists($sInputFile) Then FileDelete($sInputFile)
- Switch $iRval
- SetError(2)
- SetError(3)
- SetError(4)
- EndSwitch
- Return $iRval
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_SQLiteExe
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Encode()
- ; Description: Encodes Strings or Binary data for use in SQLite Query's
- ; Parameter(s): $vData - Data To be encoded (String, Number or BinaryString)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Encoded String
- ; On Failure - Returns Empty String
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Data could not be encoded
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Encode($vData)
- Local $iCnt, $vRval
- If IsNumber($vData) Then $vData = String($vData)
- If IsString($vData) Or IsBinary($vData) Then
- $vRval = "X'"
- If StringLower(StringLeft($vData, 2)) = "0x" And Not IsBinary($vData) Then
- ; BinaryString would mess this up...
- For $iCnt = 1 To StringLen($vData)
- $vRval &= Hex(Asc(StringMid($vData, $iCnt)), 2)
- Next
- Else
- ; BinaryString is Faster
- If Not IsBinary($vData) Then $vData = Binary($vData)
- $vRval &= Hex($vData)
- EndIf
- $vRval &= "'"
- Return $vRval
- EndIf
- Return SetError(1, 0, "")
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Encode
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _SQLite_Escape()
- ; Description: Escapes a String
- ; Parameter(s): $sString - String to escape.
- ; $iBuffSize - Optional
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Escaped String
- ; On Failure - Returns Empty String
- ; @error Value(s): 1 - Error Calling SQLite API 'sqlite3_mprintf'
- ; Author(s): piccaso (Fida Florian)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _SQLite_Escape($sString, $iBuffSize = Default)
- Local $aRval, $sResult
- $aRval = DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "ptr:cdecl", "sqlite3_mprintf", "str", "'%q'", "str", $sString)
- If @error > 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, ""); DLLCall Error 'sqlite3_mprintf'
- If IsKeyword($iBuffSize) Or $iBuffSize < 1 Then $iBuffSize = -1
- $sResult = __SQLite_szStringRead($aRval[0], $iBuffSize)
- DllCall($g_hDll_SQLite, "none:cdecl", "sqlite3_free", "ptr", $aRval[0])
- Return $sResult
- EndFunc ;==>_SQLite_Escape
- #region SQLite.au3 Internal Functions
- ; $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[0] -> Savemode State (boolean)
- ; $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[1] -> Array containing known $hDB handles
- ; $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[2] -> Array containing known $hQuery handles
- ; $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[3] -> pseudo dll handle for 'msvcrt.dll'
- ; $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[4] -> Array of Temp Files
- Func __SQLite_hChk(ByRef $hGeneric, $iHandleType)
- If $hGeneric = -1 Or $hGeneric = "" Or IsKeyword($hGeneric) Then
- If $iHandleType = $SQLITE_DBHANDLE Then
- $hGeneric = $g_hDB_SQLite
- Else
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[0] = False Then
- Return $SQLITE_OK
- ElseIf _ArraySearch($g_avSafeMode_SQLite[$iHandleType], $hGeneric) > 0 Then
- Return $SQLITE_OK
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>__SQLite_hChk
- Func __SQLite_hAdd($hGeneric, $iHandleType)
- _ArrayAdd($g_avSafeMode_SQLite[$iHandleType], $hGeneric)
- EndFunc ;==>__SQLite_hAdd
- Func __SQLite_hDel($hGeneric, $iHandleType)
- Local $iElement = _ArraySearch($g_avSafeMode_SQLite[$iHandleType], $hGeneric)
- If $iElement > 0 Then
- _ArrayDelete($g_avSafeMode_SQLite[$iHandleType], $iElement)
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>__SQLite_hDel
- Func __SQLite_VersCmp($sFile, $sVersion)
- Local $avRval = DllCall($sFile, "int:cdecl", "sqlite3_libversion_number")
- If @error Then Return $SQLITE_CORRUPT ; Not SQLite3.dll or Not found
- If $avRval[0] >= $sVersion Then Return $SQLITE_OK ; Version OK
- Return $SQLITE_MISMATCH ; Version Older
- EndFunc ;==>__SQLite_VersCmp
- Func __SQLite_hDbg()
- Local $i, $aTmp
- ConsoleWrite("State : " & $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[0] & @CR)
- $aTmp = $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[1]
- For $i = 0 To UBound($aTmp) - 1
- ConsoleWrite("$g_avSafeMode_SQLite[hDB] -> [" & $i & "]" & $aTmp[$i] & @CR)
- Next
- $aTmp = $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[2]
- For $i = 0 To UBound($aTmp) - 1
- ConsoleWrite("$g_avSafeMode_SQLite[hQuery] -> [" & $i & "]" & $aTmp[$i] & @CR)
- Next
- EndFunc ;==>__SQLite_hDbg
- Func __SQLite_ReportError($hDB, $sFunction, $sQuery = Default, $sError = Default, $vReturnValue = Default)
- If @Compiled Then Return
- If IsKeyword($sError) Then $sError = _SQLite_ErrMsg($hDB)
- If IsKeyword($sQuery) Then $sQuery = ""
- Local $sOut
- $sOut &= "! SQLite.au3 Error" & @LF
- $sOut &= "--> Function: " & $sFunction & @LF
- If $sQuery <> "" Then $sOut &= "--> Query: " & $sQuery & @LF
- $sOut &= "--> Error: " & $sError & @LF
- ConsoleWrite($sOut & @LF)
- If Not IsKeyword($vReturnValue) Then Return $vReturnValue
- EndFunc ;==>__SQLite_ReportError
- Func __SQLite_szStringRead($iszPtr, $iLen = -1)
- Local $aStrLen, $vszString
- If $iszPtr < 1 Then Return ""
- If $iLen < 1 Then
- If $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[3] < 1 Then $g_avSafeMode_SQLite[3] = DllOpen("msvcrt.dll")
- $aStrLen = DllCall($g_avSafeMode_SQLite[3], "int:cdecl", "strlen", "ptr", $iszPtr)
- If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
- $iLen = $aStrLen[0] + 1
- EndIf
- $vszString = DllStructCreate("char[" & $iLen & "]", $iszPtr)
- If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "")
- Return SetError(0, $iLen, DllStructGetData($vszString, 1))
- EndFunc ;==>__SQLite_szStringRead
- #endregion SQLite.au3 Internal Functions